[Warfork 40.000 - Rogue Rules]¶
Genestealer Cult¶

I started on building the Genestealer Cult, that I had lying around for some time now. I mounted them on 25mm round steel bases from Product for Wargamers.

Some of the arms I left off for easier painting.

[Warfork Fantasy Battles]¶
Bretonnian Chevaliers Errants¶

The models are done!

I added pennants to the lances. The first try was to use my usual flag procedure, by doubling the flag, wrapping it around the pole and gluing the two halves together - but this time this failed miserably. With the tips, my cutting was not precise enough, and they did not fit at all.

With the second try, I painted both sides of the paper, and just left long strips at the end, which I then wrapped around the poles.

After a coat of gloss varnish, I added some black oil wash mainly to the pennants and the flag, and deepened some shadows here and there elsewhere. After adding static grass, a final coat of matt varnish sealed it all in.

[Warfork Fantasy Battles]¶
Bretonnian Chevaliers Errants¶

The last model, a hero, is done. I wanted him to stand out from the rest of the unit, which I think I archived, he is in more pastelly types of colours, and painted in not the strong ones used for most of his companions.

Now I only need to finish the bases of the unit.

[Warfork Fantasy Battles]¶
Bretonnian Chevaliers Errants¶

The command group of champion and banner bearer is done.

When the models have been gloss varnished I need to add some washes to the flag, which looks a bit flat so far.


Only one more hero to go.

[Warfork Fantasy Battles]¶
Bretonnian Chevaliers Errants¶

Another two knights are done.

[Warfork Fantasy Battles]¶
Bretonnian Chevaliers Errants¶

The next two knights are done. I do like the colour scheme of the orange knight, but in comparison to the other ones he looks quite dark and drab...

[Warfork Fantasy Battles]¶
Bretonnian Chevaliers Errants¶

The next knight is done.

[Warfork Fantasy Battles]¶
Bretonnian Chevaliers Errants¶

The next knight is done. I painted the lance black, then grey and finally white stripes on it. The idea was to represent a wooden lance that was painted with slightly translucent white, so the woodgrain still showed.

[Warfork Fantasy Battles]¶
Bretonnian Chevaliers Errants¶

The next knight is done. The paint scheme was again inspired by (aka shamelessly stolen from) this blog.

Compared with the historical knights, I was at first happy that with the fantasy ones the barding was much more dynamic, flowing around the horse. This would certainly be nice for uniform barding. Not so for regularly painted patterns... the diamonds you see in the photos are the 3rd try, and still, if I follow various lines and creases on the barding, they don't turn out right - but at least now, when looking at the model from a distance, they don't look totally off.

I was also not able to match them in any convincing way at the top, that is why the red stripe runs along the top. I am convinced that the sculptor did something wrong; either that or my brain cannot fold (pun intended) around the crinkles...

[Warfork Fantasy Battles]¶
Bretonnian Chevaliers Errants¶

The second knight is done. The paint scheme was inspired by (aka shamelessly stolen from) this blog. With the head on the heraldry I tried to copy the front view of the head on the helmet.